Photoshop 7.0 Key Features:
- Store JPEG Metadata Correctly
- Speed up Performance
- Color Correction
- Customize workspaces
- Create new paintbrushes
- Showcase web images
- Enhanced navigation
New Paint Engine helps you to create and edit new paintbrushes and save brush presets to help to use these custom paintbrushes in your project. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 helps you to edit pictures using the Crop tool option for image editing in layout. Photoshop 7 provides the security of your documents by applying passwords using Adobe Acrobat 5.0 security features.
Print Multiple Pictures at Once:
PS CS 7 version allows you to print multiple pictures on one page. New save for web features allow you to save images for the web for better web graphics. Now showcase your images using the new web photo gallery template options in Photoshop 7.
Merge the Layer with Ease:
The layer has been so advanced comparatively in previous versions. You can merge layers with ease. To make things easier you can use actions, often times you need to change the photo to black and white. You should create black-and-white action.
Full Version Brush Feature:
Install brushes for your design project. The popular brushes for version 7 are Sun brushes and spade brushes. There are many resources available from where you can download free and paid brushes for your projects